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Microneedling, Fab or Fad?

After Kim Kardashian had a micro needling treatment on the show Keeping Up With the Kardashians, our phones were ringing off the hook asking if we offered the treatment. Ive been in the medical aesthetic industry for over 15 years and I know better than to always run out and buy the latest fad facial device just because a celebrity spoke about it or did it on TV. So I researched and waited a bit to see if it was just a fad or something that my clients would actually benefit from. After getting the treatment done myself and trying it on several friends and family. I saw really good results with the skin looking smoother and refreshed. I received really good feedback on the treatment itself and the results and decided to add it to my list of services.

Even though that episode of Kim K getting the micro needling was in early 2013, the treatment is still one of the popular services in my office. I also need to mention that NO ONE cries and makes a big scene over the pain or discomfort of the treatment like she did on that show!! Literally, NO ONE!! I apply a topical numbing cream about 30 minutes prior to the treatment and my clients almost fall asleep. Sure there are a few areas that may feel a little more sensitive than others, but overall its a very comfortable treatment.

The other positive about this treatment is the minimal downtime. Again this is super important to most of my clients. The skin may be pink to red for up to 2-4 days, and mineral make up and spf can be worn 24 hours later. Many return to work the next day. Depending what the concern of the skin is a series of 3 is typically recommended and treatments are performed every 4-6 weeks. Results can be seen about 4 weeks after the first treatment but final results will be seen 3- months later as it takes the body some time to build the collagen.

There are also many brands of micro needling pens, I have tried and worked with many of them. My favorite that I use is call Skin Stylus. I chose this pen because it has advanced technology and more versatility to be able to treat several skin concerns.

Lastly make sure to see an experienced provider. With micro needling the skin is being punctured and its open and vulnerable so if not done in appropriate environment, the skin can be susceptible to infection. If you happen to be prone to cold sores, it may be a good idea to get on an antiviral such as Valtrex. Also please don’t micro needle at home! Many of the micro needling devices for home care are rollers and the don’t puncture the skin properly. Its best done with a vertical insertion method which can’t be done with a roller type device.