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Lets all just get a facelift!

Too many times I’ve heard someone say, “I don’t need facials, I’ll just get a facelift when I’m old.” A facelift will NOT correct damaged skin or address skin health at all. It will be that same exact skin with the same age spots and uneven skin tone just lifted up. Facelifts address hanging skin. They don’t even get rid of all wrinkles. I am a huge fan of facelifts, the best results for a facelift will be someone with healthy skin, and even tone, in order to get optimal results. So how does one get healthy skin with even tone and texture? By seeing an aesthetician, getting regular facials and other skin treatments and using professional skin care products consistently.

The best time to get started seeing a skin professional is early 20s because PREVENTION is key!! Don’t forget to invest in your skin! It is the largest organ in our whole body after all. Sunblock, exfoliating and some botox are all great tools to help prevent.

Even if you didn’t start in your 20s, 30s, or 40s it not too late. Aging is a full field process, so often times it takes a multi-dimentional treatment plan. Not one treatment or modality is able to address all concerns. For example someone might also think they can just get away with doing botox and filler. In reality we need to stimulate collagen and address the texture and pigment of the skin. It’s most convenient to visit and consult with an office that has an aesthetician and a plastic surgeon if you may be thinking about a facelift. That way the staff can work together on finding the best treatment plan customized to you. Also even after facelift its important to maintain the skin and facials and skin treatments afterwards, because facelifts are not permanent. Keep in mind many patients depending on their skin and when they get their facelift may require a second facelift 5, 10, or 15 years later.